Throughout Patsy's initial training in 2011, I was able to run along side her and handle her in the normal manner. We weren't brilliant, but were enjoying learning.
In 2012, it became clear that I either had to give up doing agility or find another way to handle Patsy without running myself. Thus I started to train for "distance handling" and limited my own exertions in the ring to a walk.
By the end of 2012 we were starting to make progress and had even accumulated a few rounds in which we were not eliminated! (Taking the wrong obstacle results in elimination, so often when I was not nearby Patsy would just head for whatever obstacle SHE thought should be next. Either that or we flunked the weaves... )
This picture captures the final jump in our first ever not-eliminated round!
As time went by however my abilities deteriorated further and so again, in early 2013, I faced the possibility of giving up agility. Luckily the online agility community came to my rescue, and I was inspired to attempt handling using a mobility scooter. This is still a work in progress, but training seems to be progressing well thanks to my ever patient and inventive trainers at Castlereagh Club....
So in this blog, I'm going to track our progress and chatter about Agility in general.
Edit: For a more recent update see
written May 2014
Hello, how's it going? We should be getting a sewing machine soon, so next time, I might be able to join in via Skype (just as long as I don't sew my fingers). Keep smiling. Great blog.
Mark Page